Monday, May 31, 2010
Trendy Tattoo Ideas
Although tattooing has its artistic and social importance, people in modern times, given that a whole new meaning. Recently, the tattoo is considered a symbol of fashion and modernity. Since tattooing is an integral part should be very clear ideas about the tattoo, so he could get the best art work.The this tattoo represents your personality and thought process, and therefore such a representation should be just right.
Tattoo artists are the perfect people who could be a big help in attracting the right kind of tattoo ideas. These artists are experienced professionals and are capable enough to be good guide.The portfolios of tattoo artists should be carefully reviewed so that any form of dissatisfaction could be avoided. The ink must be of high quality tattoo as successful depends a lot on this important factor. You should be very clear about the choice of colors, so the tattoo can be at his best.
Correct location of the tattoo is also an important factor for a good tattoo. There are a few tattoos, which increases the beauty only when it is placed in the correct position. Bad decisions are often bad tattoo disappears. In addition, you should browse the different tattoo designs methodically, so the choice of symbol may be best. Tattoo obviously reflects your inner self and the team should be just right. Finally, it is appropriate that all safety standards regulations for tattoo should be careful to take care to avoid the risk of potential complications.
Tattoo artist has used sterilization of needles, so the infection can occur from person to person. You should be very specific in selecting the right tattoo studio, it plays an essential role in preventing any health problems later. These tattoo parlors must be properly equipped with the standard method of health care. Special efforts should be with regard to hygiene conditiond these salons.
Tattoo idea is actually very important part of the trendy art process, which plays an important role in that the best tattoo design. Remember that a tattoo is a process that eventually becomes part of you and so you have the best job.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tribal Phoenix Tattoo Designs for girls | Designs Tattoo
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Music Tattoos - Another Form of Artistic Expression
Tattoos have been regarded as a form of rebellion, and were even forbidden in parts of Europe due to a rise in Christianity during the early periods. Even today some regard body art as an undesirable practice and associate tattoos with gangs and unlawful behavior. Those with music tattoos are not above consideration in this respect. Some feel those with body art are discriminated against, and often are when attempting to secure employment.
Those who sport a tattoo will tell you it is a form of self expression. Musicians have been associated with the boldest forms of this artwork. Music tattoos often commemorate a particular genre or instrument one plays and they are often placed strategically on the body for visual appeal when performing on stage.
As we all know, some performers are quite famous for stage apparel, or the lack thereof and often choose their costumes specifically for the reason of showing body art. After all, not every tattoo is the same, and for this reason they wear them proudly. Custom tattoos with intricate, delicate designs are considered works of art in themselves.
Some music tattoos are recognizable trademarks for some performers. One such famous artist that comes to mind is Ozzy Osbourne and his famous woman vampire adorned with a bat atop her head. Of course, not every artist chooses such a dark expression. Jon Bon Jovi shows off his simple superman logo.
Tattoos are a very unique way to express emotion and personal interest. As a fellow canvas holder sporting a basic music tattoo consisting of a bass note sprouting a blue rose on one arm and a whimsical unicorn on the other, one can plainly see I am both a musician and hold an interest in mythology as well.
Tattoos are a way to announce a position in society. Just as in ancient times, a tattoo can identify a persons special skill or occupation. Certain union logos can be seen. A highly skilled carpenter may adorn himself with a hammer and nail. I have seen nurses with small medical emblems tattooed on the ankle.
Popular themes, poetry, beloved pets and even loved ones are being immortalized as body art to remain forever as a visual memory of devotion and love. Yet the stigma surrounding them remains.
Musicians are among those excused from refute. Being in the musical industry, it is both expected and accepted as part of a persona. If you are in a band, body art is a normal part of your costume. You have total freedom and can expand your canvas whichever way you choose.
For those living in other cultural societies, body art is often a tradition and even a requirement. Young boys reaching a certain age are often marked to show the passage into manhood. Young females may be tattooed with the mark of their mate.
Rose Tattoos on Women
The rose goes back into antiquity, in fact, fossilized roses have been found that are several million years old. It has always been regarded, in Western civilization, as the closest thing to perfect beauty.
The rose image has been used on royal standards, coats of arm, castle and palace decorations. It has been used in countless paintings, embroideries, etchings, carvings and photographs. Its simple and elegant beauty has endured through time, as has its message of beauty and love. It has always stood as an expression of love. Small wonder then, that numerous women have chosen it as a favorite tattoo. It can be used simply as a beautiful decoration or as a memento of a loved one or an event in one's life. In fact, it serves all purposes very well.
Rose tattoos have been favorites from the beginning and are still the most popular flower tattoo. Each person can decide the message she wants to send and the color, size and placement of the tattoo. Whether done for decoration or love the image of the rose is a thing of lasting beauty.
Shoulders, lower legs, ankles and feet are popular places for tattoos on women, so too with rose tattoos. Women celebrities have been drawn to the rose, from a single large rose on a shoulder to a bouquet of roses on an ankle. One has a stemmed rose on her ankle while another has a heart and a rose on her lower leg, obviously an expression of love. Some people like to be different - one supermodel has a tattoo of a rose and skull on her upper arm. Others like to be daring, with a rose tattoo on a breast.
There is no doubt rose tattoos will stay favorites as, like roses themselves, they depict timeless beauty and elegance and give us all a great deal of pleasure.
back tattoos for girls with japanese kenji designs | tattoo girls
tattoos care for girls | women tattoos
Use some common sense, if you need to apply more, do so. Apply around the tattoo too.. and BLEND that area.. ON the tattoo it needs to be cakey, but the powdery stuff will keep it in place. If it's not exactly the right color you can add some colored powder you already have to adjust.
I used this on a BLACK tattoo on my wrist for my friend's wedding and it was amazing.. if you look close you can see there is some different texture to the area, but in pictures it looked like there was no difference to the area at all. I had a ribbon type thing I made to wear at the reception in case it ended up fading, but it lasted.
Covermark, the most trusted name in concealment cosmetics, offers the best way to temporarily and completely hide tattoos. Tames even the deepest, darkest design. Kit offers everything you need to tame tattoos, quickly, easily, painlessly, without anyone detecting they are there.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Kanji Tattoos designs for girls | unlimited tattoo
Japan:Kanji Tattoo Symbols
Thursday, May 27, 2010
wrist tattoos for girls | designs tattoo
This is a cool tattoo owned by i'mcool said:it means a lot to me and i've wanted it for a long time now. i'm so happy that i've finally done it.
(this is for every person that plays an important role in my life.
and it is also to remind myself that when there is no one else there i have the strength within myself.....corny.....but true.)
And here are more tattoos on wrist.
wrist Tattoos for women
pictures of wrist tattoos .
Tattoos on wrist
extream tattoos for girls | tattoos girls
Do you love snake tattoo?If you love the awesome snake tattoo, you must love the king cobra tattoo!Right.The cobra tattoo is really cool!Here are some cobra tattoo pictures for you.If you want to have a new tattoo, you may consider this if you want.But, before you do this tattoo, should know the meaning of cobra tattoos!
tribal Cobra tattoo designs
tribal Cobra tattoo _by_shwokeeshplat
What's the meaning of Cobra Tattoo ?
The meaning of Cobra Tattoos:they embodied such women’s characteristics as mysteriousness, intuition and unpredictability. For men a cobra means power and wisdom, but it is also a sign of insidiousness, slyness and darkness. Such tattoo can mean protectiveness over the people whose initials are inked or it can be a tattoo made in loving memory of those who are gone that shows that the tattoo owner will never forget them.
Ellujäämiskursus Madeiral
Hommik, kui teele asusime, tõotas kõike muud kui halba. Ilm oli ilus, päike, linnukesed- lausa rõõm oli mäest alla, bussika poole, jalutada. Ka bussisõit möödus suuremate viperusteta, tukkusin ja kuulasin muusikat pohmellis Enrico kõrval.
Lissabonis oli vaja leida koht kus printida. Lõuna paus. Lõouna paus. Suletud. Lõuna paus. Peale poole tunnist jalutuskäiku bussijaama ümbruses leidsime lõpuks papelaria ja ma leidsin Humana ka. Viimase üle olen tohutult õnnelik!! Istusime, ootasime bussi. Digikas kukkus maha ja läks ülejärgmine päev katki. Jess.
Lennujaama läksime bussiga mis müüs ainult päeva pileteid. Mu pähe ei mahu, miks bussijaama ja lennujaama vahel sõitev buss müüb päeva pileteid!! Fakk, kui ma lähen bussikast lennukasse(või vastupidi), siis see ju ilmselgelt tähendab, et ma ei veeda päeva lissabonis(või ei?).
Okei, juurdlesin natuke selle üle ja lõpuks jõudsime lennujaama. Oli vaja vaid leida terminal 2. Haah, maailma asjad on ikka jube keeruliseks aetud. Võtsime uue bussi- seekord siis terminali kaks.
Seal ootas meid üllatus. Lend, mis oleks pidanud toimuma kell 17.55, on edasi lükatud, kella 19.30 peale. Rahunesime ja ootasime ja ärritusime uuesti ja sõime ja jõime ja olekski pidanud juba boardima minema. Aga ei, veel üllatus, lend toimub kell 20.20. Ma isegi ei ärritunud enam. Ootasime ja vaatasime filmi ja tukkusime ja vaatasime Itaalias toimunud jalgratta võistlust. Ja jälle aeg boardima minna aga ei. Uued uudised, et lend toimub kell 22.40. Olin nii pettunud ja väsinud, et ei oska seda ka kõige parema tahtmise juures sõnadesse panna. Ja nüüd võib oma kõige suurema ja emotsionaalsema kujutlusvõime kokku võtta ja kujutleda, mida ma tundsin kui tabloolt lugesin, et lend toimub kell 23.20. Niih, ja peale seda umbes kell 1 jõudsime kohale. Olime saarel.
Hakkasime Madeira lennujaamast välja jalutama, kui tuli turvamees. Krahmas mul ja Enril varrukast ja kamandas endaga kaasa. Meid nimelt saadeti eraldi kontrolli ja valgustusse. Ei tea, kas meie kaubanduslik välimus oli tõesti nii suuri kahjustusi saanud või nägime lihtsalt terroristid või narkoärikad välja.
Siis võtsime takso, sest busse enam ei sõitnud. Hotell oli bronnitud Madeira ainukeses linnas Funchalis. Takso arve 36 euri. Ma olin liiga väsinud!!
Hommik oli ilus, ärkasime ja läksime rollerit rentima. Saime ja väga soodsalt. Terve esimese päeva vuristasime mööda Funchali ja lähedalasuvaid külakesi ringi. Avastasime saarele omaseid jooke ja sööke. Isegi rannas sai käidud. Õhtul läksime peole, mille peamiseks tõmbenumbriks olid kohutav süldibänd ning senhora kes hoidis õlleklaasi pealael ja tantsis samalajal elavalt. Õhtune taevas ei tõotanud head, kiskus pilve.
Hommikul udutas korralikult aga mõtlesime, et ehk pealelõunat läheb selgemaks. Eksisime. Sellegipoolest panime rollerile hääled sisse ja asusime teele. Järgmise öö veetsime pisi-pisikeses külas.
Järgmisel päeval suundusime tagasi Funchali, sest olime tervele saarele juba ringi peale kärutanud. Ilm oli ikka veel kehva, väga kehva.
Ühel päeval tekkisid mul oma kaasvõitlejaga suured suhtlusprobleemid. Umbes päeva ei rääkinud, siis paar sõna ja siis jälle tasa-tasa. See muidugi oli harjutus iseseisvaks eluks, oskus olla üksi ja õnnelik. Sain rahuldavalt hakkama, ma arvan.
Lõpuks jõudsid Poolakad meile järgi. Õnn, õnn!! Jälle saan oma häält kasutada!
Järgmised päevad läksid natuke üksikult aga siiski rõõmsalt ja kiiresti. Tänu kirevale Poola seltskonnale. Päeval külakesed ja õhtuti pokker või see-mäng-inglorious-bastarditest. Ja peale teist raundi viimases mängus saime aru, miks filmis peale seda mängu tulistamiseks läks. Meil õnneks relvi kaasas ei olnud ja emotsionaalsed vaidlused lõppesid katkematu naeruga.
Lõpuks oli aeg koju tulla. Nüüd olen kodus. Homme lähen lõunasse rallit vaatama- Eesti poisile Otile pöialt hoidma.
Homme ostan Eesti piletid ka ära.
Homme, homme ja päike puudutas taas maapinda, konn on konn ja prints ei tea sellest midagi.. printsessi ei ole ammu nähtud.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Top Reasons to Get Cool Tattoo Designs
It's funny to think that some people edgy and hip, because of their tattoos for a number of underlying causes. Since time immemorial, I most men have tattoos, after edgy and tough guy image that can give a tattoo. But today, if you watch TV and see a man with a tattoo, there is a reason and sometimes a mission behind. The good side of all this is that most people who get tattoos these days are cool tattoo designs to fit their personality and a touch of aesthetics as well.
Here are reasons why some people after the cool tattoo designs of these days:
(A) In order to remember their roots, their family or a loved one
You may have heard of a person with a tattoo that they have decided to have inked themselves because they want their mother or father who died, or they just want to celebrate their roots to remember. After their loved ones names and faces in the cool tattoo designs. As you've seen it in movies, most boys inked their mothers' faces, names, or "I Love Mom" tattoo. Today can be seen in cool, tattoo designs, even the younger generations have adapted to celebrate their mothers.
(2) As patriotic
Not only the man hired patriotic tattoos, but people who want to express their love for their country. A national flag was the most common symbol of love for their country, but there are also cards, stamps and passages from famous heroes.
Today is adding some cool designs to make patriotism a bit modern is not uncommon. It is still a sign that the modern tattoo enthusiasts appreciate the love for one's country can also be cool.
(3) I would just be cool with a tattoo
You must be careful if this is your ultimate reason to cool tattoo designs, because many people have big mistake to get tattoos that they grow or regret after awhile. When you choose a cool designs, make sure you show it to the tattoo artist before the procedure. You should also ask the artist who designed the one that best suits you.
Ask family and friends about getting a tattoo is not always well received, so if you do not forget to ask their opinion. And if you have an artistic friend who knows how to look good artwork, ask him / her before the tattoo studio.
Be aware that a cool an attitude rather than just an appearance. Choose a tattoo design that fits your personality and tells the artist to help you design cool and edgy. And ensure that the design would not you wear and you should be proud that a part or an extension of you.
(4) If an expression of faith / religion
Religious tattoos are becoming more popular these days because they can be designed to look cool and edgy. The cross has become a popular religious symbol many lovers go for tattoos. You can find crosses tribal, eclectic, Celtic and Gothic styles online, and tattoo books and magazines offline.
Angels, saints and spiritual beings also tops the list of religious tattoos. So do not be surprised to see a tough looking man with a cross to see if a heavenly angel tattooed on them. Maybe they like the cool tattoo designs that describe spirituality and they intend to express their faith. Either way, his noted religious motives so cool because of their importance and how they are presented by the artists and the person who has them.
Christian Cross Tattoos for girls | Tattoos for girls
Some cross tattoos show Jesus on the cross, while others show the cross, often with realistic wood graining, with a crown of thorns hung over one arm. Other cross tattoos consists of crossed nails such as big, rough looking nails like those that were used to hang Jesus on the cross.
Other popular Christian cross tattoo images include the Celtic cross (probably one of the most popular Christian tattoos of all), the Russian cross, and the Egyptian 'ankh', a cross with a circular shape on top, the ancient Egyptian symbol for 'life'.
Besides the cross, there are other Christian images that are often used in Christian cross tattoos. The fish symbol is a great illustration based on assorted biblical references, a stylized fish symbol is frequently used as a symbol of Christ. This is a compact, but quite prominent symbol that lends itself well to tattooing, especially in black.
However, there are also other tattoos that may be gang related such as the Hispanic Christian Cross Tattoos.
They are an interesting sub-group. If you know anything about their traditions, you won't be too surprised to learn that most Mexicans and other Hispanic people, even though they are involved in gangs or other criminal activities, are deeply religious and rely on their Christian symbols to both identify and protect them.
These Christian cross tattoos are rather complex, many involve a tattooed image of a saint, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary. Hispanic tattoos often have words, as well, usually a Bible verse, perhaps accompanied by a loved one's name. Many Mexican gang members have multiple sophisticated tattoos, allowing the individual to literally wear his identity and emotions on his skin, if not his sleeve!
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
japanese tattoos design for girls | tattoos girl
They are regarded as a symbol of mischief, wisdom, good, evil, adventure and strength. The type of images that are chosen depends upon the personal choice of the person which several men choosing tattoo designs that are either red or green and several women choosing tattoo designs which are either blue, purple or pink in color. The colors are as important as the design of the dragon tattoos.
Chinese dragon tattoo for girls | tattoo for girls
The meaning of Chinese dragon tattoo
In medieval Europe, the dragon was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck terror in all. But in Asia, the dragon is the contrary. The mighty dragon is a mythical beast long celebrated for its benevolence, intelligence and good will, which can protect us and give us good luck!
Monday, May 24, 2010
best tattoos parlor for girls | tattoos for girls
So the next time you ask yourself ‘how to tattoo?’ just follow the above techniques or search for the detailed process on the internet. But it is to be taken care of that no one should try to tattoo with out any professional guidance as it can be very dangerous. A little training from the professionals is necessary. The art of tattooing involves a good imagination and creativity. It is the talent of those who can think innovatively and come up with new ideas that can catch the attention of all. A tattoo needs to be striking to look at and endearing to one who supports it. The art of tattooing involves talent and is not a cup of tea for every body.
how to removal tattoo with laser...? | tattoo removal
The ink is destroyed into small fragments, which later on are carried away by the immune system of your own body. Usually it takes 3-10 treatments to get your tattoo completely removed.
The number of treatments depends the size, location, depth and color of your tattoo. Treatments should be 6-8 weeks apart. This is the time necessary to give your body enough time to remove the ink fragments. Each tattoo session takes 10-30 minutes.
3 different types of laser are used for tattoo removal. Which laser will be used depends on the color of ink and skin color of the patient. So if you have a colorful tattoo, it is wise to go to a center which has three types.
The three laser types are:
-The Q-swithed Ruby, this one is more effective on sky-blue and green tattoos. This kind of laser is hard to use on dark types of skin.
-The Q-switched Alexandrate, this one is used for removal of blue-black and green tattoos.
-The Q-switched Nd.YAG, this laser is partially advanced in removing red, black and blue ink.
Because this laser doesn't absorb melatonin from the skin it is more suited for people with a dark skin color.
New tattoos are harder to remove than old ones. Older tattoos contain less ink than new ones. The body absorbs some of the ink.
Turquoise colored tattoos are especially difficult to remove, because there is no laser that effectively can break down this color.
Tattoos which are red, white or flesh colored are also difficult to remove. These colors may turn black after laser treatment.
Laser tattoo removal can cause some discomfort. Most people describe it as a needle sting or the snapping of a rubber band against your skin. This feeling is caused by the pulses of the laser.
Usually 10-30 pulses of the laser are required in one treatment.
To minimize the pain ice and a local anesthetic cream can be put on the tattoo site.You can also take Tylenol a few hours before the procedure. Products like aspirin should be avoided as they have a tendency to bruising.
In rare cases the surgeon will inject a local anesthetic into the tattoo before the laser treatment.
Talk to the surgeon before the procedure about ways to minimize the pain if this is something you worry about.
After each laser treatment your skin will be red and feel like it has sunburn. There may also be some bruising. When your tattoo has red in it, there may also some blister. Usually the blisters will heal within 7 days.
After the procedure an antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing will be placed on the tattoo. The feeling of sunburn usually goes away after a couple of hours. The skin needs time to heal. You should avoid that the treated area comes in contact with water for a few days. The tattoo will fade over the next few weeks.
Side effects of laser treatments are usually few. If you scar badly from sunburn, you will have a problem with this method of tattoo removal.
Other side effects which can occur are:
-Hyper pigmentation (the skin becomes darker)
-Hypo pigmentation (the skin becomes lighter)
-There is also a small chance of scaring and infection.
-Incomplete removal of tattoo and skin discoloration.
There have been a few cases known of people who have suffered an allergic reaction after laser treatments to tattoo removal. This was caused by the ink released from the tattoo.
Tattoo removal is by no means cheap. Each laser session will cost between $100 and $1000 per session. The price per session depends on how big your tattoo is and how colorful. On average you will need 3-10 sessions. The amount of sessions you need depends on the depth of the tattoo, the amount, the color and composition of the ink used and on the skin color.
So the total cost can vary from a couple of hundred dollars for a small superficial black tattoo to thousands of dollars for a large professional colorful tattoo
Cute tattoo for girls | tattoo for girls
Yes, Every girl love cute things,including a cute girls tattoo which looks fantastic. However it can be hard to choose a cute girl tattoo as there as so many cute designs out there! How to choose one without regret? You can browse tattoo galleries online and find the perfect one.
You will find the cute girls tattoo designs are often small, but very adorable! This is due to females having smaller bodies than males are choosing to have a small cute tattoo rather than a large tattoo – like the sleeve tattoo for example. As these appear more cute and more feminine but this opinion varies between girls.
Some other cute girls tattoos include: Butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos (shooting star especially), heart tattoos and zodiac tattoos to name a few. These are all amazing designs and look great on a female.