Thursday, December 31, 2009
Triangle Tattoo
Abbey Lee Tattoo
A tattoo on her right ankle. There's a big debate on tfs about what it actually is. Some people think it's the gemini sign, whilst others think otherwise.
A heart in a square behind her right ear.
She also has script on her right wrist.
More on her to come, need to do some more digging.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Lindsay Lohan update Tattoo
I like the quotes and placements, it's just the different coloured stars used to decorate it.
This new one is on her right arm.
It says 'I restore myself when I'm alone'
The older one on her left arm says 'Everyone’s a star and deserves the right to twinkle'
Pixie Geldof update Tattoo
I think she's caught the tattoo bug like her sister Peaches.
The newest addition is on her right forearm.
'What will survive of us is love', a quote taken from a poem.
She also has her mother's signature on her left wrist.
A ladybug on her right wrist.
A star on the back of her neck.
A outlined shape behind each ear.
A star on her leg.
Mail Tattoo
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Art Blogger Award
(The rules for this award:
- List 10 random things about yourself
-Tag 10 other bloggers with the award (write them a comment so they know they've got it!)
-Link the person that gave you the award)
10 random facts:
1. I am currently preparing to go to the UK for university. Kinda explains my lack of posts.
2. I am a published lyricists
3. I recently went to Sydney and loved it. The weather was amazing! And i spent quite a bit of my holiday money in Supre.
4. I'm not littered with tattoos! I keep changing my mind on what to get next. If my parents ever knew i had tattoos, they would kill me.
5. I can't decide between getting a blackberry or an iphone. if i was to get a blackberry, should i wait for a new one to come out?
6. I love lomography. I love any type of photography with a twist on reality.
7. I love skins.
8. I want to move from writing lyrics to writing novels.
9. My top favourite fashion magazine is UK Glamour. They do beautiful editorials with fashion brands, as well as editorials using high street affordable clothing.
10. I am really shy in person, and i have no idea how i am going to get through freshers week at York.
10 Blogs (in no particular order) :
Le Love
4th and Bleeker
Girl on Fire
Love More
Le Flassh
The Drifter and the Gypsy
Studded Hearts
Sincerely, Jules
Tobacco and Leather
Simple Tattoos
August Rush
Ma ei sega suhkrut malbelt tassis
Areng on märgatav.
Loodan, et kohvi alles jääb.
Isegi, kui mina olen täiesti teine.
Different Legs
For those of you who have noticed, i tend to like literary tattoos or simple symbols.
But this is gorgeous.
Source: Fuck Yeah, Tattoos!
Monday, December 28, 2009
F**k Yeah, Tattoos!
Don't be fooled by the photos I have chosen to post (I think i have a type), but this tumblr has a HUGE range of tattoos!
To visit the Tumblr:
Fuck Yeah, Tattoos!
Mina võiksin ka seal olla
Rämetõsine, eemaletõukav, mõtlemapanev ja vaimustav. Kama sinna, raha siia, armastus ja p****n***.
Tegelikult, kui köitvaks on selline "eluviis" tehtud. Muudkui vaatad filmi ja imestad: "Kas keegi elab ka nii??"
"Jah, elab, peaaegu!"
Saa siis aru, mõista hukka või hakka diileriks.
24 Hours.
I know it's my choice in the end, but i wanted to see what you guys thought.
I'm going to try to get another tattoo tomorrow (spending on whether the tattooist is available or not)
I was either going to get:
'Into the wild' - the movie title
'2.11' - a date
'nothing's like before' - a quote from a song
or initials
they all have personal meanings
Letter Tattoo - Ink In A Book
Hi Guys!
Just a quick post about something i've stumbled across.
HtmlGiant's Justin Taylor and Eva Talmadge have put out a call for submissions:
'We are seeking high quality photographs of your literary tattoos for an upcoming book. Send us your ink! ...'
Basically they are trying to create a book full of literary tattoos (i will definitely be purchasing a copy). If you have a literary tattoo that you wish to have printed in a book, here's your chance!
To Read More and Submit
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Hilary Duff update Tattoo
Hilary has gotten a new tattoo, on her right rib. It says 'ma petite amie,' which is french. The literal meaning is 'my little friend' but the proper meaning is 'my girlfriend.'
Rumor is she got it with/for her best friend.
Sienna Miller Tattoo
Three stars on her shoulder
A swallow on her wrist
I once read that the swallow she has is actually the symbol for the Primrose Hill group (Primrose Hill is a place in London where she lives). Which makes sense, because Robbie Williams and Kate Moss alike also have a swallow tattoo.
Then again, she could just be making up an excuse for why Rhys Ifans has such a similar tattoo her.
She also has a star near her right hip
Catherine McNeil
I seem to be doing a post on Catherine McNeil every month!
She has so many tattoos she could be the next Freja of the model tattoo world!
I've written about this one before, but i didn't have a good picture of it at the time. It's the words going down her right rib cage.
It says 'The day that I die will be by far the most beautiful day I ever lived.'
The other tattoo I'm posting about is the one on the top of her right thigh. It's a Chinese symbol, I'll try to find someone to read what it says.
UPDATE: the Chinese symbol says 'snake'
source: Tobacco and Leather
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Kaardid kallistele
Belgia, Macau, Inglismaa ja Portugal.
Päris hilja jah, Jõuluks ei jõua kuigi kaugele. Aga ei jõudnud varem minna.
Seal oli nii palju inimesi ja kõigil ports kaarte näpus. Lugesid töötavale näitsikule ette kuhu kaarte saata tahavad:"Soome, Läti, Inglismaa" ja tema käratas: "Mitu Eestisse, mitu välismaale????!!!" Kõik hakkasid vabandama ja teatasid ehmunult markide arvu.
Nii tegin ka mina, ainult ei vabandanud. Kuidagi hea tunne oli talle naeratada ja näha kuidas see teda veel ja veel pahandas.
Õel olen vist. Jõuluajal ja puha.
Suvi Koponen Tattoos
'Imported' tattooed under her right breast.
'Cat' tattooed on her right hand, stands for Catherine McNeil (This is the latest one)
Three lines on her left wrist
The number '5' in the middle of her back on the left side. It stands for the number of people in her family as well as it being her lucky number.
Sources: tfs, JDvision twitter
Quick Updates - Letter Tattoo
A few quick updates before i really get back into it.
1. Someone asked me a while ago whether or not Zoe Kravitz has a tattoo or not. Back then i said i didn't think so, but recently i think i've spotted one on her back!
2. I have spotted that Erin Wasson has a new tattoo(The one on her right arm)! Will try to find out what it says.
source: tfs via knight cat
3. Ashley Tisdale has gone under the needle. It's still fairly under wraps so watch this spacee. But from what we can see from this picture, it's looking a little like Hayden Panettiere's tattoo...
Kauneid Jõule!!!!
- Hoiduge liigsöömisest!
- Ärge jätke küünlaid valveta, eriti laste ja lemmikloomade läheduses!
- Tihastele ja muudele tiivulistele võiks pekki ja kaerahelbeid anda.. ja neid pildistada!
- Võimalusel minge kirikusse, uskuge mõned klaarimata arved saavad klaaritud.
- Öelge emale, et armastate teda!!!
- Perega peab kannatlik olema, PEAB!!! Missiis, et kõik peres on kiiksuga. See on ju ikkagi OMA pere. Ainuke maailmas.
- Olge õnnelikud, esialgu kui ei tunne nii, kujutage õnne ette. Uskuge, see aitab ja lõpuks ei ole enam vaja ette kujutada! Õnn on eluviis ja saab alguse mõtlemisest!!
- Ja palun uskuge, et Jõuluvana on olemas!
- Ja Inglid.
- Ja üldse uskuge. Uskuge imedesse, paremasse homsesse, muutumisse, Jumalasse, endasse, oma koera või naabrimehesse aga kõik vajavad midagi/kedagi millesse/kellesse uskuda!!!
- Lõpetuseks, Jõulud on andmise aeg!!
Hidden Taylor Momsen Tattoo
point your magnifying glass at her left wrist, there you'll see the four crosses.
Thanks to ravenskar for helping me spot this!
source: taylor momsen network
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Vahepeal olen koju jõudnud.
Lennujaamas maganud, nagu Vietnamis, üks silm pagasil.
Coca-colat joonud mis maksis 2.5 euri. Aga see oli peale rämeebamugavate pinkide peal magamist maailma parim turgutus. Kihisev ja külm.
Rämedalt nälginud. Hiljem Lissabon-Helisnki lennukis muginud.
Helsinkis neli tundi oodanud.
Jõuluvanaga kohtunud, kes loeb läbi kõigi laste kirjad ja oskab kõiki maalilma keeli. See kohtumine sikutas minust vägisi välja väikese plika. Nii ma siis seal istusin, segaduses aga õnnelik. Enam kunagi ei kahtle Jõuluvana tõelisuses.
Palvetanud, et Helisinki-Tallinn lennuk meid inglite juurde ei transpordiks.
Mõelnud, et miks stjuardessil koguaeg nutukas suus on. Aga siis sain aru, et ta pillib, sest ta ülemus on mõrd.
Pagasi ära kaotanud. Ja ka ülesse leidnud.
Lõpuks olen koju jõudnud. Nädalaks. Mis on varsti läbi juba.
Nurr! Ei mäletagi enam neid kõiki emotsiooni mis mind valdasid koju tulles. Tulles umbes 26 tundi koju. Eestisse.