Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas
One of the most popular type of tattoo tiger tattoo today. They essentially represent power, but also can have other meanings. For the Japanese samurai, the tiger was used as a character. If you are thinking about obtaining a tiger tattoo, you should know that it is usually determined on a fairly large size. Most chose the place for it is the biceps, because the primary importance is power.
When people think about the Tigers, the first things that come to mind are the strength and courage, but there are other things they represent. Beauty, pride, passion and sensuality, are just some of the many symbols of the tiger might suggest. Unfortunate decline in the tigers only have even more popular amongst tattoo enthusiasts. Tigers are one of the endangered species, and there are plenty of people who fight for their protection. There are fewer than five thousand tigers in Asia and the fear that at some point may disappear completely from the surface, which would be incredibly sad reality.
Usually the colors used for tiger tattoos are black, gold and yellow. However, you can find patterns that are much more complex and use other colors too, but remember that tattoos are more difficult it will get more expensive. So the best way to proceed is to get the design that you like, print it and show it to the tattoo artist. If the design is complicated, you should also do your research on the artist. I sure would not want a tattoo go differently than you expected.
So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Knuckle Tattoos
Here we have a list of some famous people with knuckle tattoos gracing their hands.
Also checkout these hand tattoos.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tribal Tattoos - The Blending Of Cultures
A look that seems so simple at times, tribal tattoos have become very fashionable and the trend for getting tribal tattoo designs are more popular then ever. They have edge their way to the top of the body-art world with it's striking bold designs and looks that many find appealing.
Some of the first modernized tribal tattoos designs.
The first recognized tribal tattoos were those of the south pacific. Polynesian islands such as Samoa, Fiji, Tahiti and others, all had their own culture influence designs. These tattoos had sacred meanings that ran deep in their heritage compared to those you see today. The tribal style seen today was innovated by pacific islander Leo Zulueta who was training under Ed Hardy at the time. He searched and studied the designs of "traditional culture tattoos" and soon came up with his own artwork and bought forth ideas that everyone could use. Since then it has grown into new levels of artistry, that has been taking the tattoo community by storm.
Tribal Tattoos, although they may appear to be plain at times, they are without a doubt still one of the most popular designs today. In this article you will find helpful ideas, especially for those of you who are new to this tattoo style. Explore the history of this beautiful art form that has been around for just a couple of decades. Find many helpful ideas to inspire a cool custom design of your own.
The majority of tribal tattoos found these days have few similarities to those of the Polynesians who used black lines, shapes, patterns and other geometric designs. To some people they might seem similar but the traditional tribal tattoos of the Polynesians has history and meaningful symbolism behind them.
In 1982, Leo Zulueta under the direction and encouragement of Ed Hardy, they were both responsible for an increasing demand of Tribal Tats in America when they started a tattoo magazine called "Tattoo Time". Featuring native Samoan and Borneo tattoos, from then on this style grew to become one of the most popular tattoos today. Most tattoo enthusiasts have gotten marked with this style of tribal tattoo design, making it one of the top designs at this moment.
As pointed out above, these modern day tattoos has a connection with natives and tribes from many different parts of the world. It was from them that this style of tattooing has evolved into the modern tribal tattoo designs we see today. Early on there were some tattoo parlors and tattoo artists that would not even touch a tribal design, feeling that they were too simple of a design. But it wouldn't take them much longer to realize that the tribal design required a lot of skills as well as patience to tattoo the intricate designs.
When you decide on getting a tribal tat, you'll discover that there is a huge collection of tribal designs ranging from small and simple to much larger extravagant ones. There's a vast selection of ideas that can be combined with these tattoos. When creating your own, give it a personal touch that you can relate and connect to. Express your individuality and personality. Be daring and get creative as tribal tattoos always portray a side of beauty and are magnificent works of art.
Päevad on kaksikvennad
Näide minu päevast:
Äratus jääb kella ühe ja poole kolme vahele, peamiselt sellepärast ärkan nii vara, sest selg on suurest magamisest haige, pissi häda on või on lihtsalt liiga palav, et üleval korrusel magada. Päeval on umbes 32C.
Peale seda joon kange või kaks tassi kohvi, istun arvuti taha. Vaatan inimesi feissbuukis ja orkutis, lülitan sisse skaibi ja mmsni. Räägin emmega lapsest ja ilmast, räägin õega veits ja mõne sõbraga vahetan ka paar sõna.
Kuskil kella kolme, poole nelja ajal lähme teeme Kaijaga süüa. Putru või suppi või salatit- midagi kerget. Sööme. Räägime koridoris inimestega juttu. Jätame hüvasti ja kirjutame Hiinakast ostetud Portugali lippudele häid soove ja nimesid. Lubame, et kohtume kunagi veel. Muidugi nüüd on ka see tegevus harvemaks jäänud, sest mõnikord on raske kedagi koridoris kohata. Liiga paljud on juba suunaga kodus..
Kuskil kella viiest on mul nii igav juba, et otsin endale tegevusi, näiteks vaatan juba kahekümne viiendat korda läbi, mis riided ma koju võtan ja mis siia jäävad või võtan kohvrist kõik asjad välja ja panen tagasi. Loen terve Elu24 läbi ja vaatan terve juutüübi läbi ja kuulan veel palju-palju myspaces Eesti mussi. Kirjutan natuke värsituid emosid luuletusi ja vahest kirjutan ka lihtsalt lugu oma Erasmusest. Otsin internetist söökide retsepte mida plaanin kindlasti kodus, oma perele ja sõpradele, teha.
Aga täna näiteks tegin endale Coca-cola purgist kaks käevõru.
Kella kaheksa ja kümne vahel(olenevalt hilisematest plaanidest) lähen ma jooksma. Üles mäkke, seal kaks korda kõige magusamat tõusu ja siis alla tagasi, ringile. Ring läheb ka alguses ülesmäge ja hiljem mõnna langus. Kuskil kakssada meetrit enne lõppu lähevad trepid üles mäkke. Need jooksen ka kaks korda läbi.
Ringil kohtan vanureid, joodikuid ja koeri. Paar koera on üritanud mind ka näksida, joodikud ja vanurid on juba nii klemmid, et vahest tahaks käppa visata. Kuulan Dagö mussi kui jooksen, kõik laulud on peas.
Siis tulen jooksmast. Toimetan ja pesen ja kasutan hästi palju kreeme, geele, vahendeid, sest mul on ainult üksteist päeva veel siin ja kuna ma koju neid potsikuid-nätsikuid kindlasti ei tassi siis on mõistlik nad ära kasutada.
Maandun uuesti arvuti taha. Kuulan muusikat nii, et naabrinaine Kolimbiast sulgeb oma toa ukse. Kaijale õnneks mu muss, tavaliselt Kings of Leon, Pearl Jam või Nirvana, istub.
Siis läheme teeme poistega süüa. Ai ei, vahepeal olen jälle terve facebooki läbi studeerinud. Siis sööme ja jutustame, vahest joome kohvi ka. Peseme nõusid. Siis on kell juba umbes üksteist.
Siis seame end valmis, keskööl läheme tavaliselt Jardimi või mujale kus on rahvast. Jutustame, naerame, teeme mõne dringi, pildistame, jutustame, vahetame kohta, teeme mõne dringi, naerame, jutustame, tervitame, saadame mõne koju, jutustame, naerame, lähme ise koju.
Tagasi koju tulen umbes kella kolme ajal.. no rohkem pluss kui miinus paar tundi. Klõps, magama.. ja algab otsast peale... kadestamis väärne elu, kas pole..
Miami Ink Angel Tattoo
Miami Ink Angel Tattoo | Assuming that you have selected the angel tattoo as your first or next tattoo, now the most difficult part begins. How to find the lots of angel tattoo sketches? Finding the extraordinary sketches of angel tattoo design is not easy. Your best bet is internet.
Internet is very powerful medium if used properly. Easiest way to find the angel tattoo design is using the search engine like Yahoo, Google, MSN etc.
Writing the common term like “angel tattoo design” or “free angel tattoo design” in search box of any search engine will reveal millions of websites. If you have time and patience then open each one and find out whether they have your dream angel tattoo design.
There is one easy way to find your dream angel tattoo design online for people like me. Instead of wasting your time on browsing lots of website that offers free designs, if you become the member of tattoo design gallery then you not only save your time but in the long run you will save money too.
Finding the good membership site is not easy. Since, it is not possible to see the sketches of membership site unless you become the member. My advice is before spending any money on any membership site you must read review of it. Since there are many tattoo design membership sites that are outright scam.
Another way to find good angel tattoo design on line is to post the question in to the general forums like yahoo answers or particular tattoo forums. It is always good to know how others find their tattoo design. You can also browse the archives of these forums to find many reviews and information regarding angel tattoo designs.
Help answer the question about angel tattoo
Does anyone know where I can find a picture of a specific angel tattoo?
I saw this picture months ago online, but cannot find it again. It is a picture of a small angel tattoo, on someone's hip. The tattoo is black, and is very simple, almost a sketch, with very little detail (no facial features, etc). The angel is throwing her arms back, and kneeling. If anyone knows where to find this tattoo, I would love the link. Thanks!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Head Tattoos
Here we have a gallery of head tattoos, both partial and complete head tattoos included.
There are only a couple of famous people which come to mind, who actually have head tattoos, and those two people are Tim Armstrong of the punk band Rancid and of course Boy George.
Adorable commercials of Coca-cola
MARK PENDERGRAST, For God, Country, and Coca Cola
Alice In Chains - Love, Hate, Love
Friday, June 25, 2010
No näita, raisk!
Teel möödusime neljast noormehest, kes hakkasid arutama(Portugali keeles) kust me küll võiksime pärit olla. Sealt tuli veel igasugust mula ja jama, lõpuks läks päris koledaks ära ning seejärel tegi üks noormes julge ettepaneku, muidugi aimamata, et me nende Portugali keelsetest rõvedustest ka aru saame: "Kuulge, tahate ma näitan oma m***i?"
Viimase küsimusega viskas mul lõplikult kaane pealt ära. Keerasi ringi, viipasin Kaija toeks ja peatasime tüübid. Palusime(üle keskmise lärmakalt) lahkel noormehel oma meheuhkust jagada, kui viimasel nii tohutu soov enesepaljastusele on.
Sellepeale ehmatasid muidugi need idikad ära, enam ei tulnud ühtegi piuksu üheski keeles, ükski ei olnud enam piisavalt kõva kutt.
Sel hetkel nad ei uskunud vist ise ka, et neil nokud püksis on.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Patsy Kensit Tattoos
Patsy Kensit has been spotted with 3 tattoos, including a winged creature on her back, a small tattoo design on her right ankle and some words on her left foot.