Thursday, December 30, 2010

Things can happen

There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.

James A. Lovell

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You can be averywhere when your life begins*

Kui me kunagi väikesed olime mängisime, et oleme Spice Girls´id. Bändis oli kõik korras, välja arvatud see, et teiste kõrval olid liikmeteks kaks Emmat ja null Mel B´d. Keegi ei tahtnud olla tumeda naha ja kräsus peaga.
Kas tõesti oli väikestel tüdrukutel hinges arenemata rassismi algeid?

Kui ma juba veidi suurem olin siis ma üldse ei mõelnud rassismist või kellegi eristamisest või vahe tegemisest. Ei pooldanud, ei olnud vastu, ei hoolinud.

Siis, kui ma veel kasvasin ja Eestist puhkust võtsin, ma ikka ei hoolinud, aga teisiti.
Seekord ma ei pooldanud, ei olnud vastu, aktsepteerisin.

Nüüd kui ma olen selline nagu nüüd, inimesed kellega pidevalt kohtun (vabatahtlikult kui ka olude sunnil) peavad värvilist olemist leebelt öeldes kehvaks, nad ei arva, et võid olla kus iganes kui su elu algab.
Nüüd ma ei ole poolt, ei vastu, ei hooli, aktsepteerin.
Mõlemaid, sest nii saab.

*Kaija, Su blogil on ilus nimi :).

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Baarikas Venuses

Nüüd on läbi see pühapäev, 27.12.2010, kuu viimane pühapäev.
Klubis Venus. Kell on 5:40.

Kohatud ammust, keda kohata ei lootnud, ei tahnud, ei oleks enam osanud aimata kohtumist. Sest tema läks, ei jätnud märki, nime ega katusekambri võtit.
Ja nägin neid, kes kadusid sinna samasse kohta kuhu kadus VÕG mu elus. Elu algas uuesti.
Oli ka see kes küsisid: "Mida SINA tänaselt õhtult tahad?" Ma filosofeerisin omaette ja läksin.
Lõpuks olid üks, kes jala Nõmmelt linna tuli, ma küsisin: "Kas SEE oli seda väärt?" Ta vastas, et varsti paistab.
Vastused jäävad minust aga sama kaugele kui Viru- ja Paekaare tänav üksteisest ehk 75.- kahtlase taksoga, kus ei saa tagaistmel turvavöösid kinnitada.

Elu on selline.

Anthony Green Head Tattoo

Lead singer of the band Circa Survive, Anthony Green, has a newly revealed head tattoo of the Circa Survive "safe camp" symbol, located on the left side above his ear.

Donnie Darko

What if you could go back in time, and take all those hours of pain and darkness and replace them with something better?

Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pilt selge

"Üks on koguaeg tööl ja teine on liiga häbelik!"

Inimesed armastavad asju otse kümnesse öelda, jutt käib minu ja K eraeludest.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Veevalaja (21. jaanuar - 18. veebruar)

Hea päev tegeleda pooleli jäänud asjadega. Samuti kodu koristamine ja vajaliku eraldamine ebavajalikust õnnestub täna hästi. Ebasoodne pidutsemiseks.

Peab uskuma.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Drive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For Girls

Tattoos for girls have taken on a whole new look and meaning today. More girls than ever are getting attractive, sexy tattoos placed on their body. If you are looking for fresh ideas of tattoos for girls that will drive men dotty read on.

You need to consider the following pointers for fresh tattoos for girls if you fancy a tattoo that will drive the man, or future men, in your life certainly gaga. It is not just the tattoo that will be fundamental but the part of your body where the tattoo is located and the placement.

Drive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For GirlsFirst, it will be important to make sure your body art work is done by a professional tattoo artist that has lots of experience. You want to make certain it is done right since this tattoo will be with you the rest of your life. It is okay to bring in samples of art you have found, but also ask to look at work they have done that may be similar. You also desire to make sure the tattoo artist you select has your health and safety as a master concern and operates in a very sanitary environment.

Drive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For GirlsHere are the top tattoos for girl’s designs today:

Butterfly tattoos are extremely popular. There is so much that can be done with butterfly art work on the body. The butterflies can be exceedingly colorful and can range in size. They can also be flying as a group and trailing to a certain part of the body.

Star tattoos come in a close second as the most popular designs for girls. Stars also can come in different shapes and sizes. They can come in different colors. Stars can also be trailing. Shooting star designs are very popular and have very positive meaning when placed permanently on the body.

Drive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For GirlsFlower tattoos are always very popular for girl’s tattoos. The more colorful the flower, it seems the more popular this design is. The hibiscus flower seems to be in high favor today. This is a flower that has an extremely playful and exotic look and comes in countless colors. Another flower that is often chosen is the daisy. Daisies have extremely significant meaning representing a free spirited individual. If the art work is done well daisy tattoos can be very pretty and appealing.

The shape of the female body has many attractive curves and hidden areas that can accentuated with proper tattoo placement. If a tattoo is located in the correct spot it can be very attractive and considered quite sexy.

Here are top areas for tattoo placement that will drive men crazy:

The lower back area is a part of the body where there are very natural curves that all come together. The right design in this area can be very appealing. This area does not always show and is sometimes seen as a flash when the woman bends over. This causes the viewer to feel they have seen something perhaps they should not have.

The panty line area, or actually just above it, is another suggestive area for placement. This is an area that can be seen when wearing a bikini or nothing at all. It is well hidden most of the time and that is what makes it so appealing, because it can't be seen all the time.

A single foot works well for body art, especially if you are someone that has good looking feet. This can be very attractive and enhance a great looking well manicured foot.

The side of the body tattoos is becoming quite popular. Tattoos that trail, especially along the side of the body, in the area from the middle back to middle of the waist line is a great idea. Often seeing something that reveals just a portion is quite suggestive and appealing. This type of a tattoo cannot be fully viewed from the front or back, but completely from the side.

Monday, December 13, 2010